HOPPE & STRUB: MINERAL WATER: BEER BREWERY: SODA BOTTLER: TOLEDO, OHIO Here is what we know about the Hoppe & Strub Bottling Company. The 1889 Polk's Toledo City Directory lists Henry Hoppe as president of the Hoppe & Strub Bottling Co. with his residence at 321 Indiana Street. Listed is Ralph Strub as vice president of the Hoppe & Strub Bottling Co. with his residence at 846 South Street. The company was a Manufacture of Mineral Waters and located at 713 to 717 Adams Street. By 1896 the company is located at Lafayette & Superior Street now brewing Pabst Milwaukee Beer. Below is a photo of the Hoppe & Strub Bottling Co. Notice the Pabst Milwaukee Beer sign on top of the building. Below is an ad that was in the Ann Arbor Aryus Newspaper from April 24, 1896. Listed in the 1903 American Bottlers Advertiser. " For Sale" The Hoppe & Strub Bottling Co. soft drinks. "inquire" Pabst Brewing Co. Cleveland Branch. Below are photos of one of their bottles. This one is embossed in a slug plate Hoppe & Strub / B Co. / Toledo, O. in the color of light amber yellow. . Below is another blob top bottle from this company. This one has the H & S emblem on the side with the base embossed The Hoppe & Strub Bottling Co. Toledo, Ohio. .. Below is a rare variant embossed HOFFE, STRUB & EFFLER TOLEDO, O. . References: 1889 Polk's Toledo City Directory. 1896 Ann Arbor Argus Newspaper April 24, 1896. 1903 American Bottlers Advertiser. Frank & Frank Jr. (Wicker) Bottle Collection. ... |