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In 1859 a chemist L.Q.C. Wishart introduced his Pine Tree Tar Cordial. He was located at 10 South Second St. in Philadelphia, Penn. Business must have been doing well, he would move to a larger facility at 232 North Second St in Philadelphia. A few years later in 1861 he would start producing Dr. Wishart's Great America Dyspepsia Pills and in 1865 Dr. Wishart's Worm Sugar Drops. Sometime in the early 1870s Lucius son Henry R. Wishart would inherit the Pine Tree Tar Cordial. A short time later he would sell the company to Harry C. Campion and his son John W. Campion who were druggists in the Philadelphia area. Harry's other son Franklin would join the company and now it was called The Campion Bothers. The company would change the name again when Franklin retired in 1897. Now the companies name was J. W. Campion & Co. J.W. would continue producing the Pine Tree Tar Cordial into the 1900s.

An advertisement stated that. " Pine Tree Tar Cordial was a remedy for the cure of throat and lung diseases".

It is thought that bottles with the word Trademark embossed appeared after 1873.

Below are photos of a few of these bottles. The sizes range from 10 3/8 inches down to 7 ¾ inches. These bottles come in the different shades of green, teal and amber. You can collect quite a color run on this type of bottle.




wishart big.wishart big 2.wishart big 3

wishart big 4

wishart label

Below is a ad from 1863 Libruary of Congress.

wisharts ad 1863

Below is a ad from 1861 Libruary of Congress.

wisharts ad 1861


Mckearin and Wilson American Bottle and Flasks and their Ancestory.

Dr. Cannon Medicine Article in the AB&GC.

Frank & Frank Jr. (Wicker) Bottle Collection.

wishart a

wishart b

wishart c

wishart d

wishart big a

lot of five wisharts a

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